Historic District Floral
Location: Private Residence, Old City, Philadelphia, PA | Date: May 2022
Artist: Designed, illustrated, and painted by Hagopian Arts

The Historic District mural, located in Old City Philadelphia is a custom mural for a private residence. The subject matter of this piece depicts plants that grow locally to PA, most of them including vine species. Some of the plant species can be found in the small park adjacent to the mural walls.

Hagopian Arts is proud to offer custom floral mini murals. Botanical Murals are magnificently detailed, radiant additions to any home. These pieces act as portals to garden oases that are rarely found in urban environments. With multiple floral murals installed in patios, backyards, and outdoor spaces across Philadelphia, Hagopian Arts aims to fill the city with imagery that sparks connections between the natural world and urban life. Each botanical mural is meticulously painted to uplift viewers and brighten outdoor spaces for many years to come.